Antibiotics in Uncomplicated Diverticulitis

Washington University Emergency Medicine Journal Club- July 2024 Vignette You are halfway through an average weekday shift in EM-2 when you encounter a very pleasant 50-year-old gentleman with abdominal pain. He reports the pain began three days ago and has progressively worsened. It is a dull, moderate pain located in the left lower quadrant with […]

Restrictive vs. Liberal Transfusion in Myocardial Infarction

Washington University Emergency Medicine Journal Club- April 2024 Vignette You’re working a shift on community medicine rotation in a medium-sized community-based ED one afternoon when you encounter Mr. S, a 62-year-old male here visiting his son from Florida, with a history of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, chronic iron-deficiency anemia, and coronary artery disease with a stent to […]

Calcium Channel Blockers for A-fib in CHF

Washington University Emergency Medicine Journal Club- March 2024 Vignette You are working in TCC one morning when you encounter Mrs. D, a 64-year-old woman with a past medical history of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, hypertension, and heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. Her last ECHO a few months prior revealed an EF of 40%. She presents […]

Management of Distal DVTs

Washington University Emergency Medicine Journal Club- February 2024 Vignette Mr. M is a 53-year-old patient with a history of high blood pressure and high cholesterol who flew back to St. Louis from Shanghai five days ago. Two days after getting back he noted pain and swelling in his left calf, which he thought was due to a […]

The Utility of Troponin Testing for SVT

Washington University Emergency Medicine Journal Club- October 2023 VignetteYou are working a shift in EM1 one afternoon when you encounter Mr. Steven VonTrachtenberg, a pleasant 45-year old male who presents with palpitations thatbegan one hour prior to arrival. He notes a sense of his heart racing and hasshortness of breath with no chest pain. He […]

Prehospital Blood Product Transfusion in Trauma

Washington University Emergency Medicine Journal Club- September 2023 Vignette: During an EMS rotation, you are riding on a Christian Hospital EMS ambulance, 3017. While driving around North Saint Louis County, the radio tone rings out andthe female computer voice states the following: “4610 and 3017. Gunshot Wound.Scene is not secure. Shell Gas Station. 2331 Chambers […]

Aspiration Versus Chest Tube Placement for Spontaneous Pneumothorax

Washington University Emergency Medicine Journal Club– August 2023 Vingnette: You are working a shift in TCC when you get a page that a patient is being moved upfrom EM2 for chest tube placement. When the patient arrives, you are introduced toMr. B, a thin, healthy 35-year-old male who presented with sudden-onset pleuriticchest pain earlier that […]

V Magnesium Sulfate for Treatment of COPD Exacerbations

Washington University Emergency Medicine Journal Club– July 2023 Vingnette: You’re working a typical shift in TCC one when encounter Mr. B, a 63-year-old malewith a history of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and COPD. He presents with 3 daysof gradually worsening shortness of breath and cough productive of white sputum.His shortness of breath has been minimally relieved by […]

CT for Occult Scaphoid Fracture

Washington University Emergency Medicine Journal Club– April 20th, 2023 Vingnette: You are working a shift in EM-2 one weekend when you encounter Mr. S, a right-handed 38-year old man with no significant past medical history who presents with right wrist pain. He had had a few drinks the previous evening to celebrate his birthday and […]

Acetazolamide for Decompensated CHF

Washington University Emergency Medicine Journal Club– February 23rd, 2022 Vingnette: You are working a steady shift in EM-2 one Friday afternoon when you encounter Mr. X, a 50-year-old gentleman with a history of congestive heart failure who presents with 2 days of worsening bilateral lower extremity edema, dyspnea on exertion, and orthopnea. He reports compliance […]

Aggressive vs. Moderate Fluid Resuscitation in Pancreatitis

Washington University Emergency Medicine Journal Club– November 2022 Vignette You are moonlighting in a large community hospital ED one afternoon when youencounter Ms. Y, a pleasant 50-year-old woman with a history of hypertension,hyperlipidemia, and alcohol use disorder. She is complaining of about 12 hours ofepigastric abdominal pain that does not radiate, with associated nausea andnonbloody […]

The Hestia Score & Outpatient Treatment of Pulmonary Embolism

Washington University Emergency Medicine Journal Club– January 18th, 2023 Vignette You are moonlighting in a large community hospital ED one afternoon when you encounter Mr. X, a pleasant 68-year-old man with a history of non-small cell lung cancer on chemotherapy, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus. He complains of sudden-onset left-sided pleuritic chest pain and dyspnea. He […]