Welcome from our Vice Chair of Education

Jason Wagner, MD
Vice Chair of Education
With over 300 alumni across the world, WashU Emergency Medicine is making a global impact. Our graduates care for patients in remote villages, war-torn nations, critical access hospitals, as well as some of the busiest trauma centers in the country.
As an alumnus, you know the impact your training at Big Barnes and WashU has on your career as well as your patients’ health. If you feel that the program has given to you, the current and future residents would appreciate anything you can give to them. The WUSM alumni and giving websites make it easy to set up scheduled donations to the residency alumni fund. This fund helps pay for some of the things that make our residency stand out, including travel scholarships, visiting lecturers, research scholarships, and many other niceties and necessities of residency. All funds go toward residents and their education. With your help, we will continue to make WashU Emergency Medicine one of the best residency programs in the country!
As a program director, I started using this Buddhist poem as a framing of how residency hones a medical school graduate into a physician:
If you continue this simple practice everyday, you will obtain some wonderful power.
Nothing Special
Before you attain it, it is something wonderful, but after you attain it, it is nothing special.
Thank you for continuing to use that “wonderful power” for those in need no matter the time of day, type of problem or availability of resources!
Current and past residents
Since graduating our first class in 2000, we now have over 300 alumni practicing. Visit our resident graduates list to see where our residents have landed after launching from WashU Emergency Medicine.
For the past five years of graduates, below are details about which types of positions our residents decided to pursue post-training:
Community = 45%
Academic = 28%
Fellowship = 27%