Enyo Ablordeppey, MD, MPH, FACEP, FCCM
Associate Ultrasound Division Director, Research & Innovation (EM); Co-Medical Director, 7800 Surgical ICU; Associate Vice Chair for DEIA, Anesthesiology; Associate Professor, Anesthesiology; Emergency Medicine
Academic Roles
- Associate Professor, Anesthesiology & Emergency Medicine
- Co-Director of Critical Care Ultrasound Program
- Director of Emergency Ultrasound Research
- B.S., Microbiology and Cell Science: University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 2002
- Masters in Public Health: University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, 2007
- M.D., University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, 2007
- Residency, Emergency Medicine: Barnes-Jewish Hospital, St. Louis, MO, 2011
- Fellowship, Emergency Ultrasound: Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, 2013
- Fellowship, Critical Care: Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, 2013
- Chief Resident, Emergency Medicine: Barnes-Jewish Hospital, St. Louis, MO, 2011
Licensure and Board Certification
- Missouri Board of Healing Arts
- American Board of Emergency Medicine, 2012- Present
- American Board of Internal Medicine, critical care certification, 2013- Present
- National Board of Echocardiography (ASCeXAM) testamur status, 2017-Present
- National Board of Echocardiography Critical Care Echocardiography (CCEeXAM) diplomate status, 2019-Present
- Advanced Trauma Life Support Instructor, active
- Advanced Cardiac Life Support, active
- Basic Life Support, active
- Fundamental Critical Care Support Instructor, active
Honors and Awards
- NIH Minority Summer Research Award, 2001
- Chief Resident- Washington University School of Medicine, Division of Emergency Medicine, 2010-2011
- Resident and Fellow Diversity Initiative- Grant Recipient, 2008-2013
- Faculty Diversity Scholars Program. Washington University, School of Medicine, 2014
- ACEP Teaching Fellowship Alumni, 2015
- Golden Stethoscope Teaching Award, EM Resident Teaching Award. 2015
- Fellow of American College of Emergency Physicians, 2017
- Golden Apple Teaching Award, EM Resident Teaching Award. 2018
- Teacher of the Year, Critical Care Medicine Fellowship Teaching Award. 2018
- Washington University School of Public Health Faculty Scholar. 2018
- Presidential Citation Award, Society of Critical Care Medicine. 2018, 2019
- K12 Mentored Training in Implementation Science Scholar. 2019
Recent Publications
- Schallom M, Prentice D, Sona C, Vyers K, Arroyo C, Wessman B, Ablordeppey E. Accuracy of Measuring Bladder Volumes With Ultrasound and Bladder Scanning. American Journal of Critical Care. 2020 Nov 1;29(6):458-67
- Ablordeppey EA, Drewry AM, Anderson AL, Casali D, Wallace LA, Kane DS, Tian L, House SL, Fuller BM, Griffey RT, Theodoro DL. Point‐of‐care Ultrasound–guided Central Venous Catheter Confirmation in Ultrasound Nonexperts. AEM Education and Training. 2020.
- Theodoro DL, Vyas N, Ablordeppey E, Bausano B, Charshafian S, Asaro P, Griffey RT. Central Venous Catheter Adverse Events Are not Associated with Crowding Indicators. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine: Integrating Emergency Care with Population Health. 2021 Jan 20.
- Pappal RD, Roberts BW, Mohr NM, Ablordeppey E, Wessman BT, Drewry AM, Winkler W, Yan Y, Kollef MH, Avidan MS, Fuller BM. The ED-AWARENESS Study: A Prospective, Observational Cohort Study of Awareness With Paralysis in Mechanically Ventilated Patients Admitted From the Emergency Department. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2021 Jan 21.
- Pappal RD, Roberts BW, Mohr NM, Ablordeppey E, Wessman BT, Drewry AM, Yan Y, Kollef MH, Avidan MS, Fuller BM. Protocol for a prospective, observational cohort study of awareness in mechanically ventilated patients admitted from the emergency department: the ED-AWARENESS study. BMJ open. 2019 Oct 1;9(10):e033379.
- Ablordeppey EA, Drewry AM, Theodoro DL, Tian L, Fuller BM, Griffey RT. Current Practices in Central Venous Catheter Position Confirmation by Point of Care Ultrasound: A Survey of Early Adopters. Shock. 2019 May 1;51(5):613-8.
- Page D, Ablordeppey E, Wessman BT, Mohr NM, Trzeciak S, Kollef MH, Roberts BW, Fuller Emergency department hyperoxia is associated with increased mortality in mechanically ventilated patients: a cohort study. Critical Care. 2018 Dec;22(1):9.
- Drewry AM, Ablordeppey EA, Murray ET, Dalton CM, Fuller BM, Kollef MH, Hotchkiss RS. Monocyte Function and Clinical Outcomes in Febrile and Afebrile Patients with Severe Sepsis. Shock (Augusta, Ga.). Shock. 2018 Oct 1;50(4):381-7
- Fuller BM, Page D, Stephens RJ, Roberts BW, Drewry AM, Ablordeppey E, Mohr NM, Kollef MH. Pulmonary mechanics and mortality in mechanically ventilated patients without acute respiratory distress syndrome: a cohort study. Shock. 2018 Mar 1;49(3):311-6.
- Stevens R, Dettmer M, Roberts B, Ablordeppey E, Fowler S, Kollef M, Fuller B. Practice patterns and outcomes associated with early sedation depth in mechanically ventilated patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Critical Care Medicine. 46(3):471-479, March
- Roberts BW, Mohr NM, Ablordeppey E, Drewry AM, Ferguson IT, Trzeciak S, Kollef MH, Fuller BM. Association between partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide and survival to hospital discharge among patients diagnosed with sepsis in the emergency department. Critical care medicine. 2018 Mar 1;46(3):e213-20.
- Roberts BW, Mohr NM, Ablordeppey E, Drewry AM, Ferguson IT, Trzeciak S, Kollef MH, Fuller BM. Association between partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide and survival to hospital discharge among patients diagnosed with sepsis in the emergency department. Critical care medicine. 2018 Mar 1;46(3):e213-20.
- Prentice DM, Sona C, Wessman BT, Ablordeppey EA, Isakow W, Arroyo C, Schallom Discrepancies in measuring bladder volumes with bedside ultrasound and bladder scanning in the intensive care unit: A pilot study. Journal of the Intensive Care Society. 2017 Nov 13:1751143717740805.
- Ablordeppey EA, Drewry AM, Beyer AB, Theodoro DL, Fowler SA, Fuller BM, Carpenter CR. The Authors Reply: Focused Point of Care Ultrasound for central venous catheter position confirmation and pneumothorax exclusion. Crit Care Med. 2017 Nov;45(11):e1190-e1191.
- Fuller BM, Ferguson IT, Mohr NM, Drewry AM, Palmer C, Wessman BT, Ablordeppey E, Keeperman J, Stephens RJ, Briscoe CC, Kolomiets AA. Lung-protective ventilation initiated in the emergency department (LOV-ED): a quasi-experimental, before-after trial. Annals of emergency medicine. 2017 Sep 1;70(3):406-18.
- Drewry AM, Ablordeppey EA, Murray ET, Stoll CRT, Izadi SR, Dalton CM, Hardi AC, Fowler SA, Fuller BM, Colditz GA Antipyretic Therapy in Critically Ill Septic Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Crit Care Med. 2017 May;45(5):806-813.
- Fuller BM, Ferguson IT, Mohr NM, Drewry AM, Palmer C, Wessman BT, Ablordeppey E, Keeperman J, Stephens RJ, Briscoe CC, Kolomiets AA. A quasi-experimental, before-after trial examining the impact of an emergency department mechanical ventilator protocol on clinical outcomes and lung- protective ventilation in acute respiratory distress syndrome. Critical care medicine. 2017 Apr 1;45(4):645-52.
- Ablordeppey EA, Drewry AM, Beyer AB, Theodoro DL, Fowler SA, Fuller BM, Carpenter Diagnostic Accuracy of Central Venous Catheter Confirmation by Bedside Ultrasound Versus Chest Radiography in Critically Ill Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Crit Care Med. 2017 Apr;45(4):715-724.
- Drewry AM, Ablordeppey EA, Murray ET, Beiter ER, Walton AH, Hall MW, Hotchkiss Comparison of monocyte human leukocyte antigen-DR expression and stimulated tumor necrosis factor alpha production as outcome predictors in severe sepsis: a prospective observational study. Critical Care. 2016 Oct 20;20(1):334.
- Spec A, Shindo Y, Burnham CA, Wilson S, Ablordeppey EA, Beiter ER, Chang K, Drewry AM, Hotchkiss RS. T cells from patients with Candida sepsis display a suppressive immunophenotype. Crit 2016 Jan 20;20:15.
- Whitman CB, Ablordeppey E, Taylor B. Levodopa Withdrawal Presenting as Fever in a Critically Ill Patient Receiving Concomitant Enteral Nutrition. Journal of Pharmacy Practice. 2016 Jan 21:0897190015627530.
- Spec A, Shindo Y, Burnham CA, Wilson S, Ablordeppey EA, Beiter ER, Chang K, Drewry AM, Hotchkiss RS. T cells from patients with Candida sepsis display a suppressive immunophenotype. Critical Care. 2015 Dec 1;20(1):1-9.
Invited Publications
- Wilson J, Ablordeppey E. Mechanical ventilation. In: Swaminathan A, ed. Critical Care Handbook. Irvin, TX: Emergency Medicine Residents Association;
- Sasha K. Shillcutt; Daniel W. Johnson; Enyo A. Ablordeppey (Point-of-Care Echocardiography in the Emergency Department). In Farcy, David A, ed. Critical Care Emergency Medicine.
- Enyo A. Ablordeppey (Arterial System) In Levine, Mark, ed. Washington Manual Emergency Medicine. 2017
- Alicia Oberle, Enyo A. Ablordeppey, et al (Arterial System) In Levine, Mark, ed. Washington Manual Emergency Medicine. 2017
- Enyo Ablordeppey. (Vascular Access). In Diaz-Gomez, ed. Comprehensive Critical Care Ultrasound, Second Edition, 2020 [in preparation]
- Barker A, Ablordeppey E, Koenig A,. Cost Analysis of Ultrasound for Central Line Confirmation over Traditional Chest Radiography. Accepted to American Society of Health Economist. June 2020
- Keating S, James A, Griffey R, Ablordeppey E. 265 Barriers and Facilitators of De-Implementing Chest X-Rays after Central Venous Catheter Insertion. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2020 Oct 1;76(4):S102.
- Ablordeppey E, Holley I, Griffey R. Draup that chest xray: Effectiveness and acceptance of implementation strategies towards ultrasound-guided central venous catheter confirmation. Accepted to 13th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health. December 2020
- Holley I, Griffey R, Ablordeppey E. 1068: Attitudes, Perceptions, and Risk Profiles of POCUS-Guided Central Venous Catheter Confirmation. Critical Care Medicine. 2021 Jan 1;49(1):534.
- Ablordeppey E, Huang W, Holley I, Theodoro D, Kollef M, Griffey R. 22: Outcomes of a Chest Radiograph De-Implementation Program: An Implementation Effectiveness Study. Critical Care Medicine. 2021 Jan 1;49(1):12. [SCCM 2021 Star Research Award]
- Koenig K, Ablordeppey E, Holley I, Huang W, Theodoro D, Kollef M, Griffey R. Outcomes of Chest X-ray Deimplementation After Ultrasound Guided Central Venous Catheter Insertion. SAEM May 2021
- Sinnott J, Holthaus C, Ablordeppey E, Wessman B, Fuller B. The Use of Dexmedetomidine in the Emergency Department: a Cohort Study. SAEM May 2021
- Ablordeppey E, Doctor R, Wakefield B, Lew V, Drewry A, Theodoro D, Griffey R. 1320: Is it really a malposition? The central venous catheter tip position controversy continues. Critical Care 2020 Jan 1;48(1):637.
- Ablordeppey E, Gharib A, Tohme F, Jaeger L, Tian L, Theodoro D. 1447: volume status assessment by ventricular filling pressure measurement using point-of-care ultrasound. Critical Care Medicine. 2020 Jan;48(1).
- *Gharib A, The T, Tohme F, Jaeger L, Obrien F, Tian L, Theodoro D, Ablordeppey E. 382 Portal Vein Pulsatility by Point-of-Care Ultrasound for Intravascular Fluid Status Assessment. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2019 Oct 1;74(4):S149.
- Ablordeppey E, Drewry A, Anderson A, Casali D, Wallace L, Kane D, Fuller B, Theodoro D. Bedside Ultrasound Guided Central Venous Catheter Confirmation in Critically ill Patients. Academic Emergency Medicine. May 2019. Vol 26, No S1
- Ablordeppey E, Willman M, Ruble L, Hofkamp L, Creel-bulos C, Lewis M, Drewry A, Theodoro 1027: Central Venous Catheter Insertion: Updates on mechanical complications. Critical Care Medicine. 2019 Jan 1;47(1):491.
- *Puffenbarger M, Hanna W, Ablordeppey E. 1050: Focused Introduction To Pediatric Critical Care Ultrasound Course Increased Comfort With Pocus. Critical Care Medicine. 2019 Jan 1;47(1):502.
- *Schallom M, Prentice D, Sona C, Wessman B, Basak J, Musleh A, Swaniker J, Vyers K, Arroyo C, McKinley G, Ablordeppey E. 1276: Measuring Bladder Volumes In The ICU: Is Accuracy Dependent On Device And Clinician?. Critical Care Medicine. 2019 Jan 1;47(1):614.
- Drewry AM, Ablordeppey EA, Kollef MH, Hotchkiss RS 2521 Use of forced air warming devices to induce fever-range hyperthermia in critically ill septic patients. Journal of Clinical and Translational 2018 Jun;2(S1):50.
- *Lynch T, Taylor B, Abdulkarim G, Gilliland S, Ablordeppey E. 443: Reproducibility Of A Novel Ultrasound Protocol Muscle Measurement In Surgical Intensive Care Unit. Critical Care Medicine. 2018 Jan 1;46(1):205.
- Ablordeppey E, Oberle A, Drewry A, Wessman B, Anderson A, Isakow W, Theodoro D, Fuller B, Boyle W. 362: “Focused Pocus”: A Concise Point-Of-Care Ultrasound Training Program For Critical Care Providers. Critical Care Medicine. 2018 Jan 1;46(1):164.
- Kim AJ, Kennedy MS, Ablordeppey EA, Kane DS. Improving Fast (Focused Assessment of Sonography in Trauma) Utilization by General Surgery Residents Through Dedicated Emergency Medicine Training: A Pilot Study. Academic Emergency Medicine. 2015 May 1;22:S288.
- Ablordeppey E, Wessman B, Graetz T, Boyle W. 166: Incorporating Critical Care Ultrasound Training In Critical Care Medicine Fellowship Curriculums. Critical Care Medicine. 2013 Dec 1;41(12):A36.
- Watkins J, Ablordeppey E, Williams K, Fuller B, Holthaus C, Theodoro D, Wessman B, Ahrens Diagnostic accuracy of uscom vs. Nicom in predicting volume responsiveness in emergency department patients with shock undergoing serial passive leg raise testing. Critical Care Medicine 2012 Dec 1 (Vol. 40, No. 12, pp. U144-U144).
- Williams K, Ablordeppey E, Theodoro D, Fuller B, Wessman B. The diagnostic accuracy of inferior vena cava collapsibility versus passive leg raise testing in determining volume responsiveness in emergency department patients with shock. Crit Care Med. 2011;39(12):8.