- B.S./B.A., University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, 1998
- M.D., University of Cincinnati Medical School, 2002
- Residency, Emergency Medicine, Barnes-Jewish Hospital St. Louis, MO, 2006
- Chief Resident, Emergency Medicine, Barnes-Jewish Hospital St. Louis, MO, 2006
- Fellowship, Emergency Medicine, Barnes-Jewish Hospital St. Louis, MO, 2007
Licensure and Board Certification
- Missouri Medical Doctor License
- ABEM Certification
- ABEM EMS Board Certified
Honors and Awards
- Resident Toxicology Award, 2005
- Inaugural Fellow EMS Washington University, 2007
Recent Publications
Research Projects and Publications
- Principal Investigator: Robert Poirier, M.D. A Phase III Multicenter, Randomized, Double- blind, Placebo-Controlled Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Intramuscular Peramivir in Subjects with Uncomplicated Acute Influenza. Sponsored by BioCryst Pharmaceuticals, Inc. November 2007-March 2008
- Principal Investigator: Robert Poirier, M.D. A Phase II, Multicenter, Randomized, Double- Mask, Double-Dummy Study Comparing the Efficacy and Safety of Peramivir Administered Intravenously Once Daily versus Oseltamivir Administered Orally Twice Daily in Adults with Acute Serious or Potentially Life-Threatening Influenza. Protocol No. BCX1812-201. Sponsored by BioCryst Pharmaceuticals, Inc. November 2007-Feb 2008
- Principal Investigator: Robert Poirier, M.D. A Phase III, ACCESS: A Controlled Comparison of Eritoran Tetrasodium and Placebo in Patients with Severe Sepsis, Protocol # E5564- G000-301, 27-Apr-2006, Amendment #1: 20-Dec-2006, Amendment #2 11-Jul-2007. Sponsored by Eisai January 2007-
- Principal Investigator: Lawrence Lewis, M.D. A Phase II, Randomized, Modified Single- Blind, Placebo-Controlled Dose Escalation Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of MN-221 when Administered Intravenously as an Adjunct to Standard Therapy to Adults with an Acute Exacerbation of Asthma, Protocol Number: MN-221-CL-006, Protocol Dated 2/25/08. Sponsored by MediciNova May 2008-
- HRPO# 09-0435 PI: Brian Froelke, Rachel Charney- Pediatric Experience in the Interstate Disaster Medical Cooperative (2009-2011).
- Pre-hospital Fall Risk Prevention Study (completed enrollment 2013)
- Lawner, B., et. al. “Avoiding Common Errors in Emergency Medicine” Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2012 Chapters 92, 93
- Review of Mobisante Handheld Portable Ultrasounds in Disaster Environment (miscellaneious excerpts 2011-2013)
- Review of Tablet PC based Ultrasound Machines (Bloomberg.com Sept 29, 2009)
- Stephen Liang, MD, Paige Vantassell, BS, Brian Froelke, MD, Remle Crowe, BS, NREMT and Melissa Bentley, MS, NRP, Division of Infectious Diseases, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, Division of Emergency Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine, Saint Louis, MO, National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians, Columbus, OH; Abstract 46396 “Knowledge, attitudes, and infection prevention practices regarding multidrug-resistant organisms among Emergency Medical Service (EMS) providers”