Publications – Schwarz
Peer reviewed manuscripts
- Roth B, Schwarz ES, Feng S, Young AC. Good Outcomes despite High Urinary Arsenic Concentrations from Overdose with Crab Grass Killer. J Med Tox 2011.7(2):158-61.[PMID: 21318449]
- Young A, Schwarz E, Genevieve M, Obafemi A, Feng SY, Kane C, Kleinschmidt K. Cardiotoxicity Associated with the Synthetic Cannabinoid, K9, with Laboratory Confirmation. Am J Emerg Med 2012;30(7):e5-7.[PMID: 21802885]
- Forrester M, Schwarz ES, Kleinschmidt KC, Young AC. Synthetic Cannabinoid Exposures Reported to Texas Poison Centers. J Addict Dis 2011;30(4):351-358.[PMID:22026527]
- Horwitz DA, Schwarz ES, Scott MG, Lewis LM. Emergency Department Patients with Diabetes Have Better Glycemic Control when They have an Identifiable Primary Care Provider. Acad Emerg Med 2012;19(6):650-5.[PMID:22632540]
- Forrester M, Kleinschmidt KC, Schwarz ES, Young AC. Comparison of Synthetic Cannabinoid and Marijuana Exposures Reported to Poison Centers. Human and Experimental Toxicology 2012;31(10):1006-11.[PMID:22859662]
- Mullins ME, Schwarz ES. No need to change treatment of early presenting patients with acetaminophen overdose. Clin Tox 2012;50(1):78.[PMID:22115058]
- Mullins ME, Schwarz ES. Re: Remien et al. “Mathematical modeling of liver injury and dysfunction after acetaminophen overdose.” Hepatology 2012;56(6):2427-8. [PMID:22806570]
- Forrester M, Kleinschmidt KC, Schwarz ES, Young AC. Comparison of synthetic cannabinoid ingestions and inhalations reported to Texas Poison Centers. Journal of Addiction Medicine 2012. [in press]
- Young AC, Schwarz ES, Velez LI, Gardner M. Two cases of disseminated intravascular coagulation due to “bath salts” resulting in fatalities, with laboratory confirmation. Am J Emerg Med 2012. 2013 Feb;31(2):445.e3-5. doi: 10.1016/j.ajem.2012.05.032. Epub 2012 Aug 3.[PMID: 22867829]
- Schwarz ES, Chung WM, Wax PM, et al. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. Sodium azide poisoning at a restaurant – Dallas County, Texas, 2010. MMWR June 29, 2012;61(25):457-460 [PMID: 22739775]
- Abdelmalek D, Schwarz ES, Halcomb SE, Sampson C, Arroyo-Plasencia A, McCammon C, Stenger A, Krehbiel N, and Mullins ME. Life threatening diphenhydramine toxicity presenting with seizures and a wide complex tachycardia improved with intravenous fat emulsion. Am J Ther 2012. [epub ahead of print] [PMID:24096706]
- Schwarz ES, Mullins ME. Response to: “Introduction of an N-acetylcysteine weight-based dosing chart reduces prescription errors in the treatment of paracetamol poisoning. Emerg Med Australas. 2013;25(3):285-6. [PMID: 23759054]
- Schwarz ES, Cohn BG. Is Intravenous Acetylcysteine More Effective than Oral Administration for the Prevention of Hepatotoxicity in Acetaminophen Overdose? Ann Emerg Med. 2014;63(1):79-80. [PMID: 23927960]
- Liss DB, Paden MS, Schwarz ES, Mullins ME. What is the clinical significance of 5-oxoprline (pyroglutamic acid) in high anion gap metabolic acidosis following paracetamol (acetaminophen) exposure? ClinToxicol (Phila) 2013;51(9):817-27. 2013. [PMID:24111553]
- Schwarz ES, Chung WM, Wax PM, Kleinschmidt KC, Sharma K, Cantu G, Spargo E. Multiple Poisonings with Sodium Azide at a Local Restaurant. J Emerg Med 2014;46(4):491-494. [PMID: 24262061]
- Mullins ME, Schwarz ES. “Krokodil” is an urban legend and not a medical fact. Am J Med 2014;127(7):e25. [PMID:24970607]
- Schwarz ES, Arroyo AM, Mullins ME. Other Complications Following Lipid Emulsion Therapy. J Med Toxicol 2014;10(2):247-8. [PMID: 24639198]
- Schwarz ES, Thoelke M. Altered Mental Status and Hyperammonenemia after Overdose of Valproic Acid with Therapeutic Valproic Acid Concentrations. International Journal of Clinical Medicine 2014;5(10)[ID:2100587][ DOI: 10.4236/ijcm.2014.510075]
- Schwarz ES, Cohn BG. Is Dexamethasone as Effective as Prednisone or Prednisolone in the Management of Pediatric Asthma Exacerbations? Ann Emerg Med 2015;65(1):81-2.[PMID:24954577]
- Mullins ME, Schwarz ES, Dribben W, Halcomb SE, Arroyo-Plasencia A. Silibinin: Where is the Ethical Conundrum. Chest 2015;147(3):e105.[PMID:25732452]
- Watkins W, Schwarz ES, Arroyo-Plasencia AM, Mullins ME, on behalf of the ToxIC Investigators. The Use of Physostigmine by Toxicologists in Anticholinergic Toxicity. J Med Toxicol 2014.[Epub ahead of print][PMID: 25510306]
- Mullins M, Liss D, Schwarz E. Comment: severe anaphylactic reaction following Crotalidae Polyvalent Immune Fab (Ovine) administration for copperhead snakebite. Ann Pharmacother 2015;49(4):496.[PMID25762655]
- Schwarz ES, Mullines ME. Paracetamol: Is all the concern valid. Ann Rheum Dis 2015 [epub ahead of print][PMID:25858642]
Invited Publications
- Critical Connections
- Need A Pressor but Don’t Really Want a Pressor…How ‘Bout Some Calcium? July 2013
- Snakes in the ED. Be Very Concerned…or Should You? June/July 2015
- Missouri College of Emergency Physicians EPIC
- Emergency Physicians Monthly Reviews
- Emergency Physicians Monthly Articles