Projects – Ablordeppey

Academic Commitment – Teaching Title and Responsibilities

  • Ultrasound guided central venous catheter verification
  • Retrospective review of CVC complications
  • RN driven US guided PIV insertion protocol.
  • Nurse Driven Protocol with Conventional 2D Ultrasound Measurements to Reduce Urinary Catheter Days and Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection in the ICU
  • Resident Education of Emergency US Guided Pericardiocentesis.
  • Reproducibility of a novel protocol for rectus femoris muscle measurements by ultrasonography in Critically Ill Patients.

Ongoing Projects

  • Retrospective review of CVC complications in 2013. Lawrence C, Ablordeppey EA
  • Reproducibility of a novel protocol for rectus femoris muscle measurements by ultrasonography in Critically Ill Patients. Taylor B, Gilliland S, Lynch T, Abdulkarim G, Ablordeppey EA
  • RN driven US guided PIV insertion protocol. Tsung A, Sona C, Wessman B, Ablordeppey EA
  • PEER study. Tiffany Osborn, Issac Lynch, Enyo Ablordeppey
  • Resident Education of Emergency US Guided Pericardiocentesis. Alicia Oberle, Christopher Miller, Enyo Ablordeppey