Message From the Division Chief
What's Important About Emergency Medicine
Emergency Medicine has developed into a crucial specialty in a time when health insurance and access to care are compelling societal concerns. While Emergency Medicine in its origins was not intended to be a safety net, we find increasingly that our daily practice is composed of interesting and challenging problems that extend beyond triage, treatment and disposition of medical emergencies.
Perhaps daunting at first consideration, our experience with the issues of overcrowding, prolonged lengths of stay, diversion and resource management has given us expertise at a time when hospitals look to physicians for help with process improvement and information management. Health care is in the public eye and Emergency Medicine is at the core of controversy and opportunity.
The focus on Information Technology initiatives has created an environment in which we are being challenged to help decide where resources should be committed to better manage our large and diverse patient population.
With ACS National Level I Trauma Center certification and the largest volume ED in Missouri, Barnes-Jewish hospital provides a perfect environment for learning and professional growth. Combined with the clinical experience at the busy St. Louis Children’s Hospital (which, like Barnes-Jewish, is cited as a top-tier hospital in the nation), the patient and pathology mix managed by our residents is hard to match.
Washington University is a Top 10 medical center that provides limitless potential for interdisciplinary collaboration and exploration as we pursue the dual academic mission of discovery and learning. Our EM faculty members include physicians with dual board certification, sub-specialty training, and advanced degrees in research, management, and scientific investigation that lend expertise to the teaching and learning interaction. The educational mission has expanded to encompass undergraduate students, residents, and fellows in multiple disciplines.
I invite you to come visit our center and our city. You will find the educational advantages and lifestyle attractions are tough to beat.