Severe scooter injuries worry doctors.
Author: Margaret
Dr. Naunheim and Dr. Lewis in St. Louis Post Dispatch (Links to an external site)
As concerned physicians in the fields of emergency medicine, we want to bring to your attention the worrisome trends in injuries we are now seeing in our emergency department related to electric scooters.
Dr. Naunheim and Dr. Gaddis in St Louis Post Dispatch (Links to an external site)
As concerned physicians in the fields of emergency medicine, we want to bring to your attention the worrisome trends in injuries we are now seeing in our emergency department related to electric scooters.
Could Ketamine Replace Opioids in the ER? (Links to an external site)
A new study examined whether ketamine could work as an alternative to opioids for pain relief in an emergency room setting.
Dr. Mueller on NPR (Links to an external site)
The second annual Larry Lewis Health Policy Symposium will bring together experts specializing in gun violence research from a public health and policy perspective.
Char, Panagos and Tan made the list for Wash U EM (Links to an external site)
Dr. Gaddis – Order of the IFEM (Links to an external site)
The IFEM awards the Order of the IFEM (FIFEM) to an individual who is a member of an IFEM member
organisation who has demonstrated an extensive and continuous commitment to the specialty of Emergency Medicine…
Missouri OKs law to combat Anthem’s controversial ER Policy (Links to an external site)
Anthem will continue to enforce its controversial emergency room policy in Missouri, despite a new law that goes into effect in August that’s intended to circumvent that program.
Wash U Alum, Sarah Hoper, in ACEP Now (Links to an external site)
Implemented during the Clinton administration in 1993, the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a federal law that guarantees unpaid leave for qualifying employees.
Workshop Emphasizes Importance of Point-of-Care Ultrasound (Links to an external site)
The 3rd Midwest Nephrology & Transplant Symposium Ultrasound Workshop, held September 8-10, 2017, at Washington University School of Medicine, was a success.