The Utility of Troponin Testing for SVT

Washington University Emergency Medicine Journal Club- October 2023 VignetteYou are working a shift in EM1 one afternoon when you encounter Mr. Steven VonTrachtenberg, a pleasant 45-year old male who presents with palpitations thatbegan one hour prior to arrival. He notes a sense of his heart racing and hasshortness of breath with no chest pain. He […]

Prehospital Blood Product Transfusion in Trauma

Washington University Emergency Medicine Journal Club- September 2023 Vignette: During an EMS rotation, you are riding on a Christian Hospital EMS ambulance, 3017. While driving around North Saint Louis County, the radio tone rings out andthe female computer voice states the following: “4610 and 3017. Gunshot Wound.Scene is not secure. Shell Gas Station. 2331 Chambers […]

Aspiration Versus Chest Tube Placement for Spontaneous Pneumothorax

Washington University Emergency Medicine Journal Club– August 2023 Vingnette: You are working a shift in TCC when you get a page that a patient is being moved upfrom EM2 for chest tube placement. When the patient arrives, you are introduced toMr. B, a thin, healthy 35-year-old male who presented with sudden-onset pleuriticchest pain earlier that […]

IV Magnesium Sulfate for Treatment of COPD Exacerbations

Washington University Emergency Medicine Journal Club– July 2023 Vingnette: You’re working a typical shift in TCC one when encounter Mr. B, a 63-year-old malewith a history of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and COPD. He presents with 3 daysof gradually worsening shortness of breath and cough productive of white sputum.His shortness of breath has been minimally relieved by […]