Addie Burtle, MD

Addie Burtle, MD


Hometown: Seattle, WA
Medical School: Washington State Univ
Undergrad: Univ of Washington
Hobbies: filmmaking, slacklining, bouldering, drinking from the podcast firehose, social justice & advocacy, motorcycling, woodworking
Superpower: doing things at 100% intensity
Kryptonite: doing things in moderation (particularly with regard to ice cream)
Fun Fact: I built my own treadmill desk during med school as a way of keeping active while studying constantly. My pedometer normally only shows 5 digits and I wondered what would happen if I cracked into 6 figures. During one particularly productive study session in my 2nd year, I managed to break 100,000 steps in a day.

Emily Cloessner, MD

Emily Cloessner, MD

Chief Resident, 2024-2025

Hometown: Aiken, SC
Medical School: Medical University of South Carolina
Undergrad: College of Charleston
Hobbies: Anything outside, slowly working towards becoming a Cicerone, board games.
Superpower: Can nap anywhere, anytime.
Kryptonite: Early morning meetings, snow.

Blake Forte, MD

Blake Forte, MD

Chief Resident, 2024-2025

Hometown: Flowood, Mississippi
Medical School: Meharry
Undergrad: Mississippi State University
Hobbies: Playing & watching sports, traveling, photography, going to brunch, concerts, museums, trying new restaurants, playing spades
Superpower: My charisma ????
Kryptonite: Short attention span
Fun Fact: I sometimes (often) speak in song lyrics

Sean Lamb, MD

Sean Lamb, MD


Hometown: STL
Medical School: Loyola Univ Chicago
Undergrad: SLU
Hobbies: Playing/watching sports (hockey, soccer, baseball), podcasts, reading, travelling
Superpower: efficiently packing a car/suitcase/backpack
Kryptonite: Ordering carryout food instead of cooking
Fun Fact: I was born at Jewish hospital (before it was named Barnes)

Emilie Lothet, MD

Emilie Lothet, MD


Hometown: Fontainebleau, France
Medical School: Wake Forest SOM
Undergrad: Case Western Reserve Univ
Hobbies: hiking, running, undertaking far too ambitious home improvement projects
Superpower: give me a good playlist or podcast and i’ll hike an unreasonable amount of miles
Kryptonite: : I have been known to eat pretty much anything off the floor, 3-sec rule more like 30 min-rule

Matt Matlock, MD

Matt Matlock, MD


Hometown: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Medical School: WashU
Undergrad: Univ of Tulsa
Hobbies: playing with my kids, cooking, cycling, coding, classical guitar, Go (the board game), woodworking
Superpower: nearly endless motivation
Kryptonite: Leftover pizza
Fun Fact: I once cycled 500 miles to get to my friends medical school graduation party

Nick Maxwell, MD

Nick Maxwell, MD

Chief Resident, 2024-2025

Hometown: Plymouth, MN
Medical School: University of Rochester
Undergrad: Creighton
Hobbies: Rock climbing, biking, card games, board games, cooking to name a few
Superpower: Dad jokes
Kryptonite: Food…
Fun Fact: I have a collection of smiley face stuff (tie, shirts, coffee mug, spatulas, stress balls) and I climbed devils tower when I was 16 y/o but I’m also scared of heights

Mitchell McElroy, MD

Mitchell McElroy, MD


Hometown: Sioux Falls, SD
Medical School: University of Central Florida
Undergrad: Wheaton College (IL)
Hobbies: Coffee roasting, pheasant hunting, dog grooming
Superpower: Superhuman ability to sleep anywhere and through anything
Kryptonite: My baby. I’m a softie
Fun Fact: I’ve studied ancient near eastern history and geography in Israel/Palestine.

Genevieve Pentecost, MD

Genevieve Pentecost, MD


Hometown: STL
Medical School: Mizzou
Undergrad: Mizzou
Hobbies: Travelling, keeping my plants alive, teaching my dog cool tricks, peloton, running, hiking, board games, spending time with friends & family
Superpower: winning at gin rummy
Kryptonite: doughnuts, I could easily eat a whole dozen by myself
Fun Fact: I once bungeed from one of the worlds highest bungee bridges (Bloukrans Bridge)

Vivian Pham, MD

Vivian Pham, MD


Hometown: San Diego
Medical School: Univ of Iowa
Undergrad: UCSD
Hobbies: rock climbing, trail running, camping, hanging out with my SO in STL
Superpower: looking interested on zoom while actually playing minesweeper
Kryptonite: bullets, my only weakness
Fun Fact: I once lived out of my car for 2 weeks to climb at some of the coolest places on the west coast